Friday, January 31, 2014

This is an example of Yellow Journalism 

This is Yellow Journalism because it is using former President Abraham Lincoln to grab people's attention. Nobody would think he was a girl so they would want to see why the author says that he was a girl.  

History of Yellow Journalism

The First American Newspaper was published by Benjamin Harris on September 25, 1690. It was titled Publick Occurrences Both Domestick and Foreign. The First Continuously published American Newspaper was founded by John Campbell in 1704. It was titled Boston News-Letter. It was a two page weekly paper. In 1833, Benjamin Day started the New York Sun and sold it daily for 1 penny. (class lecture) 

What is Yellow Journalism?

Yellow Journalism is irresponsible reporting newspapers. Yellow Journalism is the type of journalism that relies on sensationalism-- subject matter , language, or style producing or designed to produce startling or thrilling impressions or to excite and please vulgar taste. (class lecture)